Hello and welcome back to today’s post, dear beginner trader.
In today’s post, I will talk to you about the role of a financial market trading mentor and why you should hire a great mentor if you’re serious about your financial market trading career success today.
Through my experience, it is for beginners who are serious about their trading career success, and on this subject, I will be focusing on the forex market.
So, let’s get started.
Forex trading is a bit like driving; if you don’t get a few lessons from someone who knows what they’re doing, you’ll probably crash.
A good Forex trading mentor will help you become a profitable trader far sooner than if you dive into trading without proper training.
A good trading mentor, much like a good driving instructor, is aware of the mistakes a novice is likely to make and can steer you around or away from them and can explain why a certain course of action or choice is the better option.
Much like driving, most of us want to learn so that we can use it safely, frequently, and, of course, successfully.
Driving without caution or at high speeds, without understanding the dangers, mirrors unprofitable or high-risk trading and inherently increases the chance of losing money.
Once you’ve accepted that mentor is the best way to start, the next step is choosing which mentor is right for you.
In most situations where you need an expert, your natural instinct is to gravitate to the best available.
This is where most people run into their first hurdle, as the industry is littered with so-called ‘Forex Gurus’ who are not even professional traders.
A recommendation from someone you know and trust is always a good place to start, but if no one you know can advise you on mentoring for Forex trading, there are some things to look out for that will help you make an informed choice.
‘Try before you buy’ is a good way to get a better idea of the quality of the training a Forex mentor is able to provide, so it makes sense to look into some of the free training advice your potential mentor might offer on their website.
If the mentor you’re looking at doesn’t offer any advice for free and is simply trying to sell you a product that makes some grand promises based on past performance, then it is best to stay clear.
Another simple test to carry out is to discover if you are dealing with a real person.
A Forex mentor who features in his or her own videos and uses their real name is more likely to be a genuine trader with something useful to offer.
Try out the phone number, email, or any other contact information provided and check out if they are really on the other end of that communication line.
If they are present, it means they’re also accountable, and that is a sure sign they are confident in what they’re offering.
People who constantly seek out new learning tend to be more successful than those who settle on what they know and plod a familiar path.
Mentoring provides an ongoing learning process, even for those who are already at the top of their mountain.
It’s one thing to learn something; learning to apply that knowledge is the next step, and then learning from your own experiences is yet another.
This applies as much to Forex as it does to all walks of life that require special skill or knowledge.
Forex mentoring provides the opportunity for continuous learning, regardless of how long you’ve been trading, and is an essential component of long-term success.
One-on-one training has been shown to increase the rate someone learns by 70% – 80%, and there is no quicker way to learn how to make consistent profits in Forex trading.
5 Reasons Why Mentoring Will Make You A Better Trader
1. Our natural instincts teach us to learn from our mistakes, and novice traders naturally employ this trial-and-error method.
However, this results in a novice taking longer to learn how to trade profitably, sometimes years, and in that time they are likely to have picked up some bad habits.
A trading mentor will challenge the way you think and your trading paradigm; a trading mentor will also identify your bad habits and help you replace them with profitable strategies.
2. Nobody likes being told they’ve done something wrong, and it’s one of the reasons some traders resist the idea of training. But throughout our lives, the biggest and most important lessons we learn is through the mistakes we make, not our successes.
A good trading mentor will be able to offer constructive criticism and teach you how to learn from mistakes.
3. Some, if not most, people who start in Forex dream of achieving huge wealth and overnight success. Forex trading is about creating a plan with realistic daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals that get a trader to a target.
Having a target without a plan is simply dreaming.
A Forex mentor will help you establish realistic and achievable goals that will ensure you reach your target.
4. A common problem novice traders face is becoming overwhelmed with irrelevant information.
A good trading mentor will help you to focus on the information that matters and how to stay focused on the information and avoid wasting time on details that can steer a trader away from their targets.
5. Another common problem that afflicts traders is when they get stuck on a certain level of knowledge. It can be hard for a trader to recognize this in themselves, which is why having a mentor is vital, as they will see it and know how to get a trader to move forward again.
In a very short word, a good mentor will tell you what you need to hear when you don’t and see what you need to see when you can’t.
Finally, a good mentor will help you achieve your trading career goals.
In the past, mentoring was seen as something that only professional athletes used, but successful traders have realized the benefits of Forex mentoring.
In the long term, it saves a responsible and serious trader time and money and eventually proves to be a worthwhile investment for the future.
So, right now, I have two question for you…
Do you think as a beginner you need to invest in yourself and your career?
Do you think you need a mentor to ensure your trading career success happens even faster?
Yes, of course, if I should say.
Here is what I will say now to any serious Forex beginner seeking true Forex trading career success within the next 14-day opportunity period.
Hire a great Forex mentor (here) for a 14-day opportunity period and succeed afterward without regrets, stress, or any financial loss or pain experienced in the future because I speak from a first-hand experience.
I hope this guide, information, and advice from me today help you as a Forex beginner to achieve your long-term life career dream.
Congratulations, as you plan and make every right effort to succeed as a financial market trader.
Based on its beginner friendly and profitable user experience as a trader, here is my recommended technical indicator for you as a beginner today (Band Single Indicator).
Also, to join other beginners in my recommended ongoing 14-day Career Freedom Opportunity, click here
P.S.: If you have any questions regarding this post, kindly go ahead and comment in the comment section below or share this post with your Forex trader friends using the share button on this post page. Thank you!
I want to see you succeed in life and in your financial market trading career.
Talk to you soon,
Daniel Ohuegbe,
14-Day Career Freedom Opportunity Founder And CashForex Trading System Creator!
14-Day Financial Market Success Mentor!
Dedicated To Redeeming Your Career And Financial Freedom!